Is the contest limited to just high school seniors?
Is the contest limited to seniors attending high schools in Bucks County?
Are seniors from Public, Charter, Private, Technical, Parochial, Hebrew and other high schools eligible?
YES – so long as the schools are located in Bucks County, PA
Does my essay have to be submitted online?
YES, it must be submitted using the “SUBMIT ESSAY” link at the top of the Page
What if my essay runs over the 500-word limit?
You should keep the length of your essay within the 300-500 word guidelines
Is the title of my essay included in the 300-500-word limit?
Is the November 7th submission deadline flexible?
NO, all submissions bust be received my midnight on November 7, 2023
How will the winner be notified?
The Winners will be notified through their high school principal, guidance counselor or teacher
Will there be a formal presentation of the winner’s scholarship award?
YES, with invitations being extended to the winning student’s parents – final details will coordinated with their high schools administration